A Região do alto curso superior do Tietê


  • José Domingos Tírico


Tietê, Rio, Vale – SP, São Paulo – Estado, Moji das Cruzes – SP, Economia agrícola, Geografia da população, Geografia urbana, Geomorfologia


            Studying the economic conditions of the Upper Superior Course of Tietê Region the author concludes that the spreading incapacity of production of the soils of the region consists in the absence of proper methods of cultivation, in the deficiency of transports and in the complete inexistence of technicians to prepare man to live in the field.

            Besides that there are no methods of cultivation, nor warehouses for keeping the products in stock, even for that deteriorating goods, what doesn't stimulate the farmer' strength and interest in cultivating.

            According to the author the consequences of the missing transportation are evident and impressive, reason for what the byer trade tries to get the product where the freight cost is paid by the seller.

            The author exemplifies showing what occurs with sweet potato where the freight cost is so high that the interest of the farmer is not considered.

            He tells also, about the incidence of Federal taxes frequently increased and he argues for the exemption of selling and consignant imposts for the producer in order to get an equilibrium or reasonable compensation to that one, who besides facing all the unexpected risks must pay the freight cost until the product of his strength arrives free of all taxes to the buyers hands.

            And it is this intermediate, the man of the buyer centers who gets the most part of the profits and generally settles the prices of the products.





