A Função industrial de Petrópolis


  • José Cezar de Magalhães


Rio de Janeiro - Estado, Petrópolis - RJ




Among the cities placed in the "Serra do Mar" valleys, Petrópolis constitutes itself the most developed industrial center.

            The causes of that major expansion are initially showed by the author, when he analyses the vantages of the position that Petrópolis possess in face to Rio de Janeiro, marking, too, the importance of the official protection that was be dispensed to it by the emperor Dom Pedro II, choosing it for to be the seat of his summer vacation's palace.

            In the analysis of this local factors, study the contribution of the climate, of the hydrography and of the foreign hand labor. That had began to come to the sierra's valleys to occupy an agricultural colony, projected by the German engineer, naturalized as a brazilian citizen, Júlio Frederico Keller however because the failure of its agricultural destination, was transformed in an urban center that had began to utilize, in the craftsmanship, the hand labor that was disjointed from the country's production.

            Among the primaries industrial genders established, had spread that of textile industry through the numerous knitwears dispersed by the whole city, having however in the year 1849 a "workshop" pertaining to the french Alfred Gand has employed 30 workers. Some years latter it has emerged the first big factory of the city, the Petropolitana at the Cascatinha.

            The hand labor it has been plentiful and qualified by the tradition, Petrópolis was growing because of Rio de Janeiro for whose consumer market has fabricated the most varied products.

            But, besides the diverse genders that was established latter, itself reveals that the sierra's city had continued as a textile center which occupy 64% of the employed hand labor in the industries.

            However, as well as the genders of textiles that maintains its percentage and to ramify itself across the proliferation of the knitwears emerges, also from 1955 a series of others industrial genders of which factories is placed near to the highway's axles.

            Nevertheless, in spite of the fact of that tradition and a1so because the high degree of the petropolitan's textile industry's specialization, but yet persist the difficulties in the production's line, principally in the chemical industry that depends plenty of the major centers like Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo.

            In the analysis of the energy's consumption for industrial determination emerges also the importance of Petropolis, that is due to its industrial function spends more kWh than Niterói, São Gonçalo and Nova Friburgo.

Marking at last the analysis of the links of the petropolitan's industrial enterprises with Rio de Janeiro where they have theirs seats and where lives a great part of its landowner comes the author to the conclusion that Petrópolis is an old industrial satellite of the industrial complex of Rio de Janeiro.




