Levantamento de reconhecimento detalhado dos solos do Município de Saquarema, RJ, para fins de planejamento do uso dos mesmos


  • Charles Wrigg
  • Waldemar Mendes
  • Neusa Maria Costa Mafra


Saquarema, Rio de Janeiro, Geologia, Levantamentos do solo, Geomorfologia, Uso do solo



The aim of this work is to present one of the applications of the soil surveys undertaken by the Department of Agriculture, which is responsible for the elaboration of Brazil's Map of Soils.

Based on the Survey of Soils of the State of Rio de Janeiro, published by the National Agronomic Research Service of the Department of Agriculture, in 1958, the authors have developed an up-to-date study on the soils of the "'município" of Saquarema in the same State. Aerial photographs at the scale of 1:30000 have allowed the identification of the Great Groups of Soils. After having surveyed the soils of the "município" of Saquarema, they tried to determine the land-use limitations created by the susceptibility to erosion, to evaluate the soil disponibility to agricultural activity and to establish a general land-use planning.

In this way, three maps have been elaborated in order to supply more detailed and precise information on soils for land-use planning. The general land-use map shows the areas that are adequate for urban expansion, aggro-pastoral activities, reforestation ad installation of industries.





