A Carta do Brasil ao milionésimo


  • Rodolpho Barbosa


Cartas, diagramas, etc, Normalização, Cartografia


            The Chart of Brazil 1:1 000 000 had its origin in London Convention, november, 1909. It is part of an international plan and comprehends sheets of 6th longitude and 4th latitude, with its corresponding code.

            Ellipsoid indications we1e calculated in 1866 by CLARK and projection employed is polyconiform.

            The first edition was issued by "Clube de Engenharia" in Rio, in 1922. At present, the "Conselho Nacional de Geografia" is editing several modernized charts.

            The Map of Brazil has been acquired in order to aid the nation's economical development scheme, as well as by the people in general.

            This chart will confer influence in the articulation between the ICAO and the geographical & aeronautical chart commended by the "Conselho Econômico e Social" of UNO.

            The "Conselho Nacional de Geografia" makes geographical charts to the whole brazilian territory.

            In this work, the "Conselho Nacional de Geografia" maintains connexion with every public and private organization, brings forth topographic and geodesic surveys, grouping elements, as follows: classification of the communication means, administrative division, electrical houses, places, etc, which contribute to the elaboration of the compilation charts.     The topographic studies applied in the Chart of Brazil 1:1 000 000 are the best in the Country. These studies are classified in a schedule of basic elements printed in the lower part of each sheet, as follows: astronomical position; topographical sketch; polygonal; planimetric soil studies with barometric annotations; plain altimetric soil studies; planimetric aerophotogrametrical study; aerophotogrametrical study; triangled planimetric; normal aerophotogrametric study.

            International conventional symbolism is attended, nevertheless the peculiarities of Brazil are remarked.

            In the article is specified in detail the meaning of each convention, as follows: places, boundaries, communication means, soil aspect and relief, navigation, hydrography, art works.   Legends are also grouped by category as described above, forward there is a list of abbreviations used in the Chart of Brazil 1:1 000 000.





