Climatologia da Região Centro-Oeste do Brasil : introdução à climatologia dinâmica : subsídios à geografia regional do Brasil.


  • Edmon Nimer


Brasil, Centro-Oeste, Geografia regional, Precipitação - Meteorologia, Climatologia


In spite of its latitudes, which lay between the tropic and the equator, the Region called West-Center presents a significant variation of temperature alongside its geographical space. This characteristics is due to the wideness of its territory, which reaches different degrees of latitudes, its central position and the participation of the polar anti-cyclone in their diverse intensities.

The springtime is the hottest season. In this time, excluding the highlands of the south central part, the other areas record, not rare, daily temperature over 40°C till to 42°C.

The winter, however, is a solt season, chiefly in the south-center, where the condition of centrality is added to the frequency in which the polar anticyclone attains the area. In this conjuncture the daily minimum temperature stay near 9°C, dipping below zero in special conditions called "friagem"*.

As for the pluviometric precipitation, despite its inequality in its geographical distribution we can affirm that all the Brazilian West-Center is well provided by rain.

The distribution of the precipitation, however, isn't uniform during the year. This regime is typically tropical, with great concentration in the summer, while in the winter its lack is so intense that determine a dry season strongly accentuated.

Therefore, while a variation of latitude gives rise to a spatial heterogeneity by diversification of temperature and precipitation, the mechanism of the atmosphere, with dominion of tropical air mass and perturbed flow of inter-tropical origin, determining a seasonal development of the precipitation, common to all region, give a certain climatological uniformity in this area.

By all reasons, the great part of the Brazilian West Center territory, has a hot climate, although the southern areas has recorded dally minimum temperatures near 0°C. Only in the far south of the region and in the highland areas over 1,00 m of south-center there is a sub-hot climate, almost mesothermic.

Taking into account the yearly rainfall we recognize two climatic modalities: humid and semi-humid climate. This last one comprises about 55% of the territory.

By the systems of atmospheric circulation and by its more important consequence - the seasonal development of precipitations - the Brazilian West-Center has a typically tropical climate.

All told: the West-Center Region is characterized by the existence of a tropical climate, hot, humid, or semi humid, with dry periods varying between one to five months.




