Histórico da criação do Conselho Nacional de Geografia


  • - Conselho Nacional de Geografia


Estatística, Organização, Legislação, Serviços de estatística, Instituto Nacional de Estatística (Brasil), Conselho Nacional de Estatística (Brasil)


The Author makes the historical survey of the National Council of Geography, showing that this institution was due to two series of facts: firstly, the series of initiatives, bearing on the adhesion of Brazil to the International Geographic Union – with the outstanding interference of the eminent French geographers, Emmanuel de Martonne and Pierre Deffontaines and the devoted efforts of the Brazilian Academy of Science; and, secondly, the set of steps with a view to the constitution of a body for the coordination of the Brazilian geographical activities, among which there should be emphasized the valuable contribution of the illustrious Brazilian Dr. Mário Augusto Teixeira de Freitas and the timely creation of the prestigious National Institute of Statistics.
The article finally emphasizes the decisive action of the eminent Brazilian, Dr. José Carlos de Macedo Soares, who, as Foreign Minister and, at the same time, President of the National Institute of Statistics. Congregated the two currents of initiatives, and realized the desired body: by Decree n.º 1527 of the 24th. March 1937 the Council of Geography was created – incorporated in said Institute, which nowadays is called the “Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística” (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics) and is made up of two national councils, the Council of Geography and the Council of Statistics.




