Aspectos geográficos do comércio da castanha no Médio Tocantins


  • Catharina Vergolino Dias


Tocantis;, Castanha do Brasil;, Geografia Econômica;, Comércio;, Recursos Naturais;, Economia Agrícola.


The zone of the highest productlon of Brazilian nuts is located at the region of the Medio Tocantins, in the State of Pará. This production makes that region of a great economical value to the State of Pará, for the Brazilian nuts are highly placed among the products for exportation.

            The region which we propose to study includes the "municipios" of Baião, Tucuruí, Itupiranga, Marabá, e Conceição do Araguaia. It is located in the Southeast Pará; its area reaches 126 531 km2 (square kilometers); and it has 27 592 inhabitants.

            The exploitation lands are private properties, or else are private properties, or else are the State's, in which case may be "arrendadas" or "aforadas" to individual persons interested in their direct or indirect exploitation.

            The Brazilian nuts have been exploited at the Medio Tocantins since the first twenty years of our XX th century. We can say that the Brazilian nuts have taken the place of the caoutchouc in the international commerce.

            The proceedings of the commerce are rudimentary. They depend on the rivers, which are the most important ways of communication in that region. The floods at the Media Tocantins basin, and particularly of its tributary the Itacaiunas, make possible the penetration of the "castanhais". On the other hand, the region of the Media Tocantins which lies between Conceição do Araguaia e Tucuruí is rendered less accessible because of the rapids; they to be almost impossible when the rainy season is over. The Tocantins railway, although in precarious conditions, is then utilized for conveying the product, because lt is left the only mean of transportation at the time. Fortunately there ls a coincidence between the harvest and the overflowing of the rivers.

            The most important cities in the commerce of brazilian nuts are Marabá and Belém. To Marabá, due to its privileged geographical position, converges the production of the whole region. On the other hand, the transactions with foreign countries take place at Belém. The United States of America are our best market.

            There are many errors in the system of properties, in the plan of exploitation, and in the organization of the commerce. These disadvantages bring about grave consequences to the region we are studying it does not profit from the great wealth in own.

The zone of the highest productlon of Brazilian nuts is located at the region of the Medio Tocantins, in the State of Pará. This production makes that region of a great economical value to the State of Pará, for the Brazilian nuts are highly placed among the products for exportation.

            The region which we propose to study includes the "municipios" of Baião, Tucuruí, Itupiranga, Marabá, e Conceição do Araguaia. It is located in the Southeast Pará; its area reaches 126 531 km2 (square kilometers); and it has 27 592 inhabitants.

            The exploitation lands are private properties, or else are private properties, or else are the State's, in which case may be "arrendadas" or "aforadas" to individual persons interested in their direct or indirect exploitation.

            The Brazilian nuts have been exploited at the Medio Tocantins since the first twenty years of our XX th century. We can say that the Brazilian nuts have taken the place of the caoutchouc in the international commerce.

            The proceedings of the commerce are rudimentary. They depend on the rivers, which are the most important ways of communication in that region. The floods at the Media Tocantins basin, and particularly of its tributary the Itacaiunas, make possible the penetration of the "castanhais". On the other hand, the region of the Media Tocantins which lies between Conceição do Araguaia e Tucuruí is rendered less accessible because of the rapids; they to be almost impossible when the rainy season is over. The Tocantins railway, although in precarious conditions, is then utilized for conveying the product, because lt is left the only mean of transportation at the time. Fortunately there ls a coincidence between the harvest and the overflowing of the rivers.

            The most important cities in the commerce of brazilian nuts are Marabá and Belém. To Marabá, due to its privileged geographical position, converges the production of the whole region. On the other hand, the transactions with foreign countries take place at Belém. The United States of America are our best market.

            There are many errors in the system of properties, in the plan of exploitation, and in the organization of the commerce. These disadvantages bring about grave consequences to the region we are studying it does not profit from the great wealth in own.




