Brasil país tropical. Problemas das regiões tropicais. A ocupação dessas áreas


  • Edgar Teixeira Leite


The present work was the subject of a lecture made by the author in the Conselho Nacional de Geografia in which he analyses some aspects of Brazil, considered as a tropical country; regarding its present development it is considered the most formal contradiction to the erroneous European conceptions about tropical regions.

            He emphasizes the influence of Indian procedure related to the agricultural technics brought by European, which are largely employed until now by our farmers. Being one among those factors responsible for the stagnation of our agriculture those technics require a politic of renovation although it goes against the mentality of our farmers attached to the primitive, traditional, agricultural methods.

            Next the author criticizes the processes of coffee plantations, calls the attention for the necessity of increasing our production and the utilization of our vegetal species, its industrialization, as an economic factor for the settlement of men.

            Taking the examples of Africa and Asia concerning the independence of productive areas of colonial rood-stuff the author shows Brazil great possibilities in the market, in the present moment; nevertheless, the country needs a better governmental orientation regarding the problems of production and exterior market. And he adds that only the increasing of our agricultural productivity and selection of products we can stand and improve our positions in international markets as we have no more the monopolization of coffee, cacao and rubber and we are enduring the concurrence of African areas of European influence.

            Ending the work, the author criticizes the artificial prices for coffee and concluded saying that the solution for our agrarian problems is in the renewal of the mentality of our countrymen through an education based in a better orientation in the cultivation of land.





