Uma Zona Agrícola do Distrito Federal – O Mendanha


  • Hilda Silva


The author analyses in the paper, the agricultural development in Mendanha Valley, one of those little cultivated zones which are part of the so-called green-belt of Rio de Janeiro.

            He calls the attention for the influence the physical features have on it. The fertile soils originated from e1uptlve rocks make possible the development of an activity chiefly agricultural. He shows also the differentiation of this activity in the two contrasting relief forms of the region; the low-lands and the mountain-while. In the first one the orange trees are the landscape typical note and represent the remnants of a highly orange productlon phase aiming exportation, m the second one, the chuchu and banana cultures are remarkable.

            He analyses after that the historical evolution of the region saying that, although being an anciently occupied area agriculture is still the main activity, being well serned by the markets proximity as those of Rio de Janeiro and important districts of the suburban zone as Campo Grande and Bangu.

            Although this area presents favorable conditions to an agricultural development the region could not get rid of urban speculation, present1y an activity in great expansion in Rio and that was benefited in the region by the good roads with which the zone is served.          Concluding the author regrets the progressive transformation of the rural zone in urban ones that, is occurring in parts of Distrito Federal and from which Mendanha region can be an example.





