Localização industrial em Salvador


  • Milton Santos


This paper by professor Milton Santos from the Catholic University of Bahia in collaboration with his assistant Ana Dias da Silva Carvalho, constitutes a request from the Planning; Comission of the State of Bahia, through the Institute of Economy and Finance as a contribution to the study of capable areas to the settlement of new industries in Salvador City.

            The author tried to accomplish a method highly geographical; that is why he presented no solutions to urbanism the problems being quoted after the study of the matter considering

the city as a whole.

            The paper divided into three parts shows first the present situation: not only the general aspects of the industrial activities in the capital of Bahia, the structure of the establishments, its distribution by the different classes of industry and regarding the number of workers but also the existence of areas of industrial dispersion and concentration. This distribution has a geographical explanation, that of its connection to the urban history and other general aspects shown previously. In this first part is also studied the legal zoning presently standing for the city and which divides it into residential areas, industrial areas, etc. In this chapter the author emphasizes the useless of some of the administrative laws as large part of the industrial area has been occupied by residences while the contiguous residential area receives a numerous industrial settlement. This assertion makes him cautious to suggest which areas should be used for the settlement of factories. In Salvador what is explained in the second part of the work. The choice was referred to natural and human, factors among them - the presence of water, transportation and the workers residences proximity. This last condition was fixed through inquiries made in more than 25 workers enterprises by means of what it was possible to know there the great majority of factories employees of Salvador City live. The markets were concerned too by the author in the distribution of manufacturing products and the acquisition of raw material as well as the kind of transportation used before choosing the right place. Three different areas were indicated, each one for each probable period in the industrial development of the city, every one of them with a different kind of establishments.

            In the third part of the work the author presents 4 annexes related to the problems of residence, water and energy and a last chapter where the special legislation is presented. A general and specialized bibliography ends the work.





