Distribuição da produção do arroz no Sudoeste do Planalto Central


  • Ruth Matos Almeida Simões


Planalto Central do Brasil, Arroz, Geografia Econômica, Geografia Agrícola, Agricultura


The author starts this article with considerations on the origin of the rice cultivated in Brazil and showing that in the Central Plateau the product has excellent conditions for its production on a large scale. Due to the damp and warm climate, the climatic conditions there are favorable the question regarding water is favored by the numerous water currents, sources and by the existence of plenty under-ground water. The soils which are in general little fertile show spots of great fertility. After having briefly described the geologic formations, the author points out that there are considerably favorable conditions to the culture of rice in the Central Plateau and therefore this is the principal agricultural production of the region. A map was drawn, joining the areas of similar rice productiveness and the curves indicate the existence of two important zones: Mato Grosso de Goiás and the valleys of the Paranaíba. Grande, and Araguari rivers. The nature of the soil and the transport facilities are the factors which contributed to this localization of the intensive culture of rice. The author studies the reason why there are areas of low production like Mata da Corda, which soils are rich, and reaches the conclusion that rice constitutes the principal agricultural production in the Central Plateau, although its distribution in those territories with less favorable conditions is very irregular and small.




