

  • Virgílio Corrêa Filho


Minas Gerais;, Lambari – MG;, ; Geografia Urbana;, Águas Minerais.


Mr. Virgilio Corrêa Filho, Engineer from the National Council of Geography has profited the last holidays to visit Lambari, where he obtained informations about that hydromineral station.     And in the essay that he drew up, he reminded the clearing of the region, when the Bandeirantes from S. Paulo, justly, searching natives and gold, and afterwards they went up the valley of Tietê, whence they passed to that of Paraíba.

            And they descended it until the neighborhood of the station of Cruzeiro, inflecting to the left side, towards the Embaú gorge in the Mantiqueira Chain, by which they reached the table-land.

            Afterwards they gained the valley. which gave those places the title of Campanha do Rio Verde, when the Auditor Cipriano José da Rocha set up the encampment of S. Cipriano whose name was changed for Vila da Campanha da Princesa to do homage to Carlota Joaquina, wife of the Regent Prince.

            From the vast territory to which the Jurisdiction was extended, were dismembered, at this occasion, various townships, inclosing that of Aguas Virtuosas, Lambari, at present, according to the law from 16th. September, 1901.

            At this occasion were too much known the fountains of medicative waters discovered in 1780 on the valley of the Mombuca, affluent of the Lambari, the volume of which it discharges into the Rio Verde.

            Though it may not be a brook of great volume, it became remarkable by the promissory occurrence that caused the formation of villages in its neighborhoods where the ground (soil) is relatively plain among the erodent hills at the right side and, opposite it, the steep chain of Aguas which separates it from Campanha.

            In those prevails the friable quartz while in these come up the porphyry gneiss and the gneissic biotito, less accessible to the damage and used in the local building and pavement of streets.

            The altitude nearly 900 meters, with the median temperature of 19• contributes to the euphory of the visitants that seek its waters, recommended for "siknesses of the gastro-intestinal apparatus, of the liver, biliary and renal ways, nourishment and also those of anaphylatic origin and exhaustment of any nature.

            Chemical analyses, the last of which bring the signature of Dr. Alfredo Schaeffer, the former chief of the classification of Mineral acidulous-gaseous and ferrous-gaseous waters, according to their origin.

            The city of Lambari, seat of the township, with 303 km², where live 11.246 inhabitants, as it was verified by the Census in 1940, owes its existence to the sources which are duly numbered, with their canalization and showing taps o f special capitation.

            And to attract greater number of visitors it undertook great transformations as the lake, by means of the dam of the little Lambari, the Cassino, in ruin nowadays, Municipal and Wenceslau Braz woods, the piscina, nourished by the dam.

            However after vigorous impulse it stationed, as it needed energy to maintain the same proceeding of progress.

            But, served as it is, by the Rêde Mineira de Viação, it possesses conditions to retake with result the interrupted course.




