

  • José de Lima Figueiredo


Paraná;, Geomorfologia;, Geografia Regional.


Cel Lima Figueiredo, member of this magazine's editorial board, describes the rich, fertile, promising western region of the state of Paraná.

            He considers certain geological and physiographic aspects of West Paraná Which is watered by the Paraná river and its tributaries, the Iguaçu, the Pequeri and the Ivaí. He describes its innumerable waterfalls and stresses its great hydraulic potential, as yet very little developed, but of such vast possibilities as to justify the description, "the nest of white coal". Complete utilization of this extensive area depends upon means of communication and full use of its huge hydraulic potential. Another urgent need is immigration into this sparsely populated zone.

            The author outlines the phytological characteristics: "The land is good. Very fertile “terra roxa” is common ". "The farming settlements prosper easily because everything grows and flourishes with astonishing power".

           Pasturage p1edominates in this Paraná "Arizona", where cattle-breeding once prospered and where today, due to neglect, harmful weeds cover the soil "To fill the Paraná campos with cattle is a big problem. The government which solves it will be memorable for this alone".

            What isn't luxuriant meadow is imposing forest where, among other forest essences, the Araucaria abounds. The latter appears in forest formations, a rare occurrence in Brazil's thick forests where an uneconomical mixture of species is usually found".

            The Ilex Paraguayensis, the valuable erva-mate, is also native to this region. It is widely consumed and is of appreciable commercial value.

            In conclusion the author comments on Brazil's debt to the bandeirantes who brought the "paradise of white coal" under the Brazilian flag.





