Contribuição para a divisão Regional do Estado do Paraná


  • Beneval de Oliveira


Paraná, Geografia Política, Divisões territoriais e administrativas


In the present article the author makes preliminary a few considerations about the procedure followed in the establishment of regional divisions and enumerates the divisions established for the State of Paraná: the coast or coastal low country, the first plateau or Curitiba plateau, the second plateau or Ponta Grossa plateau, and the third plateau or Guarapuava plateau. In his description of each one of these regions, the author analyzes the conditions of the climate, the physical aspect and the kind of population to decide on the establishment of the following divis1ons: ·a) Coastal low country, in the easternmost part of the State, with the Paranaguá zone; b) First Plateau, with the sub-region of the Curitiba Plateau or Alto Iguaçu and the Serrana sub-region; c) Second Plateau with four sub-regions: Campos Gerais, Médio Iguaçu, Alto Ivaí and Cinzas; d) Third Plateau with three sub-regions: Matas Tropicais, Matas e Campos de Palmas - Guarapuava e Matas do Rio Paraná. After general observations on the problems of colonization, soils, transports, etc., the author comes to the conclusion that the regional division was based on the geography of both land and population and he ponders that in a State like that of Paraná, which social and economic formation is still in its initial phase, but is developing rapidly, this feature ls unsteady and shows a tendency of being altered.




