A Redivisão política do Brasil


  • Mário Teixeira Freitas


Mário Augusto Teixeira de Freitas, Secretary General Of the Brazilian Institute Of Geography and Statistics, a distinguished figure in the cultural spheres of Brazil. studies In this paper the important and complex problem of a political redivision of the territory.

            The author begins by showing the disadvantages of the actual political division of the country, which, in his opinion, ls retarding the march of Brazil`s evolution.

            He approaches next the political regime In force and states that under the predominancy of the Central Government it affords conditions exceptionally favorable for the establishment of a new territorial division so as to meet a general, uniform, rationalizing principie tending to a better political, social and economic organization of the country.

            He submits then his plan for a political redivision along the foliowing broad lines: 1) the establishment of a standard area ranging from 250 to 350 thousand square ki1ometres for the Brazilian political units; 2) the inalterability of the territories composing the existing political units, which, In the proposed scheme, would be properly adjusted and combined into a general plan of redistribution; 3) the transformation of the existing smaller States into "departments"which In being conveniently grouped would make up new polítical units within a previously establíshed standard area, the capitals to be located in neutral spots, that is, at the junction of the boundary lines of former States; 4) the cantling of the actual staté of Minas Gerais which would contribute to the formation of three new States, namely, two coastal and one inland; 5) the formation of the Federal District around the present city of Belo Horizonte whereto the capital of the country would be transferred; 6) the transformation of the city of Rio de Janeiro, the present federal capital, into the capital of the State of Mantiqueira. This State would be formed with the existing State of Rio de Janeiro, a part of the State of Minas Gerais and the present Federal District; 7) the cantlíng of the actual largest States to form new polítical units, which in accord with their degree of settlement and progress would be either self-governing States or semi-self governing provinces or territories under the jurisdiction of the central government.

            The author explains the subdivision of the new political units into "departments"; these in turn would be made up of municipalíties. He shows the great advantages the departmental organization suggested In the plan as submitted would afford to the life in the interior of the country, by means of occupation of the land and consequent national progress, and sets forth the idea how both the Department and the Municipality would have their functions perfectly interlocked in an harmonious whole.

            He ends up with a brief study of the problem to be faced in carrying out the plan for this territorial redivision, from the political, financial and technical viewpoints, holding that the plan is easily workable.

            The paper is illustrated whit a chart giving a rough sketch of the author's flan for the political redivision. 




