As Funções regionais e a zona de influência de Campinas


  • Elza Coelho de Souza Keller


São Paulo – Estado;, Campinas – SP;, Urbanização;, Geografia urbana;, Geografia econômica;, Cidades e vilas.


This study is related to Campinas, the most important town in the hinterland of the State of São Paulo and its influence, as a regional center, on a wide area around it. It was delimited inside this area, different zones according their relations with the main town. As a result of the research carried out in order to determine this influence it was pointed out the importance of the net of communications and transports. The analysis of the organization of these two kind of services has demonstrated efficient as a method to delimit an area of influence. Thus, based on quantitative methods, related to circulations of trains, buses and telephone communications was possible to establish that area.

            Inquiries about many others functions was accomplished aiming to prove the influence of each one of that functions in surrounding areas. The following dates are the result of these inquiries.

  1. a) Concerning alimentary products: study of the area or belt around the town, where these products have their origin. In sounding these aspects was put in evidence the importance of the Municipal provision market of Campinas as a distributor center to numerous towns situated in its influence zone.
  2. b) About economic relations: was analyzed the influence of the local industries on worker's movement.

            In the trade was observed the way how are processed the sales of goods depending on its kind. Thus certain kind of goods are sold with more frequency and intensity and the area where it are sent vary according these characteristics. When on deals with specialized products the zone to where they are distributed is much wider than the others and Campinas acts as a main distributor center to other regional ones and even to near by the south of the state of Minas Gerais.

  1. c) Social and cultural relations: was studied the services rendered by the hospitals, in order to determine their influence in other towns that depend only on them for the assistance of the people; in the educational field was determined the range that the schools and the University reach in relation to the students of the other towns by the attendance in that schools.
  2. d) Rendering of specialized services: this function has shown an expressive importance of the town in relation to the hinterland of the State, as prove many enterprises dealing with earthwork, pavement, investment, advertising and publicity, insurance, etc, which render these services to a wide area.
  3. e) As a politic-administrative center: finally was examined the area of influence concerning this aspect and was determined how far this influence can reach, its degree of intensity in other towns, was classified by zones.




