Geografia dos transportes no Brasil : penetração


  • Moacir Malheiros Fernandes Silva


Geografia Econômica, Geografia Física, Geografia Humana, Transportes, Colonização


The author, Eng. Moacyr Silva, Technic Counsellor of the National Geographic Counsel, continues hPs study of the "Geography of Transport in Brazil" considering in the present numb Pr of the Review, the penetration of the transport ways in the country.

Initialy the author reports to the ancients roads, generaly well projected, and admits the Baron of Capanema's suuposition, that these roads are not work of natives. whom did not

know vehicles and did not tame drawing animals, but mostly the Jesuits deed.

Continuing the author heightens the part played by strong portage animals. brought by

the portuguese, pointing out the importance enduring still today of the transport in animal's

back. made in troops, and refers himself to the carriages pulled by bulls so usual in the country.

The author shows how the penetration was carried on mainly by the rivers, which the most important of all was the S. Francisco, the large road of brazillan civilization, for you find

two important agents of peopling in its course: the mines that exist in the bed of this river and the breeding of cattle, due to the fields and pastures one can see in the middle and inferior part of its course.

Foliowing the author exposes the part played by the paulistas incursions in the penetration. occupation and peopling of the country, indicating the influence of large rivers of the plateau, which run to the west and south directions.

Ending hes study the author ·analyses the evolution of the country peopling, basing himself in the great brazilian historian Capistrano de Abreu, who considered as principals centres those of S. Vicente, Baía, Pernambuco, Maranhão and Rio de Janeiro; the author examines the peopling irradiation of these centres proving once more the prevailing influence of the rivers courses.





