Fitoclimograma esquemático da videira no Brasil


  • Ruth Simões Bezerra dos Santos


Uva, Fitogeografia, Climatologia


The principal subject of this work is to analyze the grapevine and its adaptation in the brazilian geographic environment, analyzing this aspect in accordance with a schematic formula, which we had reached through the researches about the viticulture in the principal regions of the world where the grapevine had attained an economic expression.

            The authors which had considered the grapevine ecology's, had placed it in a large band between 52° NL and 40° SL. Mediterranean Region, however it was possible to characterize his phytoclimate, or the optimum conditions from the climatic point of view.    Standing off from the optimum always exists adverse elements - excess of temperature or hoard, excess or scarcity of rainfall, humidity, hazes, or yet, of wind, etc.

            Analyzing the climatic conditions of the brazilian space in an accordance with the formula that was considered ideal, whose elements was discriminated in the text, to show the optimum situation, excessive or deficient of every one, so we had distinguished in the cartogram three categories of zones: the zone which the conditions are nearby the optimum, the intermediaries of possible utilization and that without any possibilities of cultivation. It was not possible to testify, nevertheless, phytoclimatics zones, because the excess of rainfall and humidity is quite a constant in our country.

            Every one of these mentioned categories of zones had deserved an analysis admitting majors discriminations.

            In the first group (zones of conditions nearby by the optimum) enclose limited areas of the south of the country and also of the Eastern Region, in the tropical band of altitude, where exists the optimum conditions of temperature, but excess of rainfall in the summer.

            In the intermediaries zones are yet great part of the South and Southcast Region, as well as small areas of the West and Northeast Region. In these areas besides the excessive rainfall exists also an excess of warmth in the springtime.

            The others areas don't have any conditions of cultivation. There exists rainfalls and humidity excessive, and high temperature during the springtime and in the winter.

            The author had search to establish a relationship between the brazilian viticulturist zones with the phytoclimogram, estimating the correspondence with the zones of conditions nea1bJ the phytoclimatical optimum.

            Those zones are the area of the Italian colonization of the northeast of Rio Grande do Sul, and, at São Paulo, the Jundiaí's and São Roque's region, at the north of the capital. In that place, the viticulture had found, in fact, favorable conditions, but independent of the climatic conditions, it had a great influence the European immigration, especially the Italian, radicated in these areas of a subtropical climate, that are similar in the climatic conditions to the regions that they procedure in Europe.

            They have brought from theirs countries the habit of the viticulture, that was at that time traditional.

            Finally, writes the author, that essay placing in comparison the viticulture in front to the presented conditions by the climate of the diverse regions of the country, it deserves critics; in order to become possible to complete it subsequently. Arnongst the gaps one sealms to be the impossibility that even exists, of to confront it with analysis of soils made of the different winegrowers zones of the country The information about this subject now are very scarces.




