Caruaru : a cidade e sua área de influência


  • Maria Francisca Thereza Cardoso


Pernambuco, Caruaru - PE, Geografia urbana, Cidades e vilas


The present article analyses the city of Caruaru and its area of influence. Placed in the Pernambuco's Agrestic, a transition zone between the Forest and the Hinterland, that city a long time famous by her open-air market, to have been presenting a significative increase in its population contingent, principally from 1940. Caruaru constitutes herself, in these days, one of the principal convergent focus of the migratory inter-regional currencies of the North-east. Even the city having just now a reasonable attraction's power she don't disposes of one sufficient labor market for all people that arrives in it. As a consequence, a great number of arrived citizens they couldn't have a participation in the urban life properly. When they don't obtain their fixation they take another rhumb right to the capital of Pernambuco or the great adventure to the South.

            Caruaru placed in the Pernambuco's Agrestic, in the full dominion of the xerophilous caatinga, she executes an important part to the life of that agglomeration the famous swamps that appears nearby, because they give it much of the food products necessaries.

            Whether the presence of the swamps had make possible the expansion of the initial settlement, today, the actual expansion of the city is connected with its position, looked in that case like a resultant of the actual aspect of transportation.

            The city is placed at the border of Ipojuca, which the valley is followed in the great snatch by two roadways those that have the greatest importance for state: Northeast's Railway and the Federal Highway Recife-Petrolina. Caruaru is placed between Recife and Arcoverde, cities that enjoys of a strategic position in Pernambuco, the first great northeastern metropolis and the second considered by the people as a real door of the hinterland. Due to the coastal position of Recife, eccentric in connection with the great Caruaru's railroads axles insides the actuation of that city, thanks to the roadways that profits of the Ipojuca's valley, just like the many others that going to join it selves to her, derived of the most diverse directions.

            Although reaches its actuation, in certain sectors, an extensive area of Pernambuco is the Agrestic the truthfully polarized area by Caruaru. She is the real economical capital of that transition strip. Caruaru presents a very accentuated development of the tertiary sector, characteristic trace, of the cities that to be extended like regional centers on that region, where the industrial activity still occupy a secondary position. The most important commercial center of State, thereon Recife, with a great variety of commercials stores, wholesale and retailer, presents also a great number of bank institutions, health and education services. Relations among the Caruaru city and the rural population of the arid region they reinforce its place as the regional capital.

            The crescent actuation of Caruaru in its region is reflected in the amplification of urban space and sensible modifications in its proper urban structure. This modifications occurs because the amplification and diversification of the urban center's functions and they are expressed in the urban aspect across the diversification and specialization of the various sectors of the city.




