Revisão da divisão municipal do Estado do Amazonas


  • Orlando Valverde
  • Catharina Vergolino Dias


Amazonas, Divisões territoriais e administrativas, Municípios


- Abstract:

The problem of politic-administration division in a country or state is a geographical subject, so its deal with the politic organization of the regional space.

Invited by the Amazon's government, the authors lead one Conselho Nacional de Geografia research in that State, whereas, in 1961 to 1963, the forty four municipalities were doubled in two hundred ninety five.

The defenders of that measure contested that the Amazonian municipalities were excessively large, and that the creation of new communities did the national defense and illegal commerce repression easier to do, so that for to drain the federal and state governments subventions to the interior.

The opposers of such politic called our attention to the fact that a great number of municipalities had not a seat, and many prefect live out of it, especially in Manaus; those measures would broken the autonomis-principles and only improved the politic protects.

The current Amazon's government based in this point of view canceled the laws of State's municipalities division edited in 1961-1963, and tecnics were invited to make a revision of the problem

In Brazil the municipalities is a 1ninor politic administrative cellule, with the representation of the three powers. The autonomy of its governments is a Brazilian traction which came from XVII and XVIII century.

After a theoretical discussion about the reason that municipalities are create, the writers had concluded that they come as a consequence of an economic activity; they organize the economic and social life but don’t produce richness. It is normal the existence of municipalities with great surface in areas almost inhabited.

In Amazon particular case, the rubbers commerce in the last century and in the beginning of the present, was the fundamental motive of which a great number of municipalities are create in Solimões River and its affluent of right border (Table I). Today, the agricultural area situated in Middle Amazon which, products juta, coroa, and bovine is one of the greatest demographic density and greater municipality subdivision.

The fundamental for the creation of new municipalities must be a sufficiency of resources for to prove the administration of municipality.

The signers present in the paper suggestions about: a) Fiscal politic; b) the residence of prefect must be at the municipality's seat; c) minimum percentage in municipality budget designate to the district that is not situated in seata; d) revisions of municipal limits. In this case they state that the little navigable rivers and "paranás" constitute a social and economic unit which couldn't be divided.

In field's research two regions were visited. The first was the low Negro River, just at the Branco River confluence, which correspond the poorest region of State, decaying and based in one economy of vegetable collect. In municipality of Airão was studied the problem of its seat transfer and the proposition of municipal limits' modifications was formulated.

The second visited area was the Middle Amazon which have a great number of municipalities, there was proposed the creations of Eva district that is subordinate to the Manaus, including modifications in the limits with the Itaquatiara municipality.

The writers had condemned the exceeding of division in the Amazonian municipal system, however that they subdivided rnainly the poorest municipalities of State.

Finishing the report they point out the necessity of one study in loco in the region of right Solimões, Negro, Uapês, and Madeira Rivers, after to make a definitive relate about the subject






