A cidade de Jequié e sua região


  • Milton Santos Professor de Geografia Humana da Universidade Católica de Salvador


Bahia, Jequié, Geografia Urbana, Urbanização, Geografia Regional, Comércio


The author, professor of Human Geography at the Catholic Faculty of Philosophy of Bahia, presents a geographical study of the city of Jequié and of the cacao growing region under its influence. The author divided his paper into five chapters following a brief introduction: the site and position of Jequié, urban growth, the structure of Jequié, regional influence of Jequié and conclusions. In the first chapter the author describes the construction of the city on the terraces of the Contas river, stating that the cause of the development of Jequié resides in its situation as a natural point of convergence of circulation lines. The author then studies the relations of urban growth to the changes in the transports of the region, after briefly describing the history of the peopling the author emphasizes the fact that the arrival of the railroad had little influence, while a surge of progress was noted with the construction of the Rio Bahia highway. The third chapter presents the successive aspects of the city up to this day. The chief characteristics of the urban center as well as of the suburbs are reviewed. The region of Jequié and the portion of this area belonging to the cacao zone are analyzed in the fourth chapter. Local functions are initially studied to have a way of judging the regional action of the city. The internal and external zones of the Jequié region are then studied. The internal zone corresponds to the municipal area and is characterized by diversified activities and a decrease in its population. The external zone, which corresponds to the limit of the areas of influence of Jequié, on one side, and of Ilhéus and Itabuna on the other, is engaged solely in cacao growing and presents an increase in population. The author then presents his conclusions as part of the fifth and last chapter.




