Estudo crítico de planejamentos regionais do Nordeste.


  • Salomão Serebrenik


Brasil, Nordeste, Planejamento Regional



- Abstract:

The study analyzes the regional plans implanted in the Northeast of Brazil, concluding by the designation of the causes of its relative failure, and what manners we have to its rational procedure.

First, are excluded from the study that entities which are improperly named organizations of regional project, when, in fact, they are sectoral organs, which work in the bole country and so in the region, or only in the region, or yet in some places of the region. Are examined only the Departamento Nacional de Obras Contra as Sêcas (DNOCS), the Comissão do Vale do São Francisco (CVSF) and Superintendência do Desenvolvimento Econômico do Nordeste (SUDENE).

That angles under why they have analyzed this three organs are the follows: 1) Requisite of the region. 2) Unification of the organs. 3) Dislocation and autonomy. 4) Structure.

About the article "Requisite of the region", the author comments the absolutely improperty of the operation area of the DNOCS, called "drought's polygon", which are named illusive and arbitrary, delimited by political motivations, without demonstration of one identity of problems wich unite him. Equally, lack such characteristic to that are from SUDENE, delimited according quite exclusively by an administrative criterion (nine states conjunct), with a serious problem of a true huge extension. Only a region of CVSF - hydrographical basin of reasonable proportions - may be considered satisfactory.

The loudly negative aspect is a lack of "union of any organ in its own area, having longs superpositions - of 300 000 km" between the Polygon and the São Francisco Valley and this area of SUDENE, and 1 200 000 km2 between the area and the Polygon - superpositions which wraps the risk of doubly, loss and dissolution of responsibility.

Concerning to the "autonomy" the author discover that all the Regional Plans must be an autonomic unity of development, with a disburdened administration, free of limiting controls or political interferences; the last must be limited to one positive collaboration, consisted to trace general rules of orientation, remaining the unfolder of this and his execution in charge exclusively of the regional organ.

To that lack of necessary autonomy must be attributed the little success of DNOCS and so great part of CVSF.

In SUDENE, the autonomy is sufficient, but is sorrowful, as we have indicated, the bad delimitation of the area and the superposition to others organs of regional plans.

Finally, about the structure, observes the author that essential characteristic of Regional Plans is to give absolutely emphasis to the previous studies and to the work in plans, which only may be finish by a polyvalent aggregation of specialists, which work in strait conjunct and full harmony. However, occurs, that in the DNOCS and in the CVSF, such rules still yet not revenged, this subsidy for basic studies are insufficients, and a fascination by the realization of works commands everything, even than among risks of unnecessarily works, useless or prejudicial. In SUDENE they search to give a just attention to the basic studies, but in that case they invade the others property, because the studies must be privative from the organs of regional plans as we call them, en that case, are the DNOCS and CVSF.

In conclusion the author has presented solutions for the appointed inconveniences:

1 - To limit the services of DNOCS only to that region situated in the north of the Valley of São Francisco.

2 - To exclude the DNOCS from the Ministério da Viação and to give to they (status) similar of that CVSF and SUDENE.

3 - To exclude from the competence of SUDENE some, function, that may be privatives of DNOCS and the CVSF (bastes studies, projects, and execution of works and services, reserving to them the most important tasks, to fix the bases of the development of neagre Northeast and the coordination of plans and activities of CVSF and the DNOCS.

4 - To grant, in the rest, large autonomy to that organs of regional plans. To the realization and functioning of this formula the author suggests two solutions one definitive, and the other temporary - represented in these figures 1 and 2, respectively.






