Aspectos da geografia do açúcar no Brasil
Economia Agrícola, Cana-de-açúcar, Geografia EconômicaAbstract
The author has distributed the matter of his article n four chapters. The first one deals with the General Geographical Conditions of the Production in which the a. says that although the sugar cane culture occupies, in Brazil, an extension greater than in any other country of the world, it does not yet cover all the places of Brazil where it can be economically. He shows the advantages which result of the fact that the sugar cane cultures are made in great extensions, this aspect serves as an important element to make an economical differentiation. The a. indicates then the factors which have contributed to the actual distribution of the different zones of sugar cane cultures such as: soil quality, type of climate, situation and also the historical demographical and economical influences. Based on the density of production, the a. divides the sugar cane cultures in two categories: of great density or of an economy o! exportation and of little density or of an economy for consumption or subsistence, giving at the same time the most important zones of each kind of cultures. The a. remember the division usually made in: region of production of the North and region of production of the South, combined with the rain season for each region. About this classification, the a. observes that the cutting of the sugar cane takes always place at the drier season and as that season does not coincide for each zone of production, it follows that there are most of time sugar cane enough for a continuous fabrication of sugar and that, sometimes, there may be a coincidence between the time of greatest production for the North and South regions. Some considerations are still made about the economical consequences which derives from the facts above mentioned.