Alguns aspectos geográficos do Município de Itaguaí
Rio de Janeiro - Estado, Itaguaí - RJ, Economia agrícola, Geografia física, Geografia urbanaAbstract
Examining physics and humans aspects from the region of Itaguaí, that makes part of the Fluminenses's scheme, the author study the economical evolution of area, reporting to the beginning of his considerations, at the time of our colonization, thinking in facts responsable for the prosperity that it enjoyed then and observing the causes that determinated the decaying that was followed; to, in conclusion, become the actual phase that it resemble to begin with a tendency to recuperation, based in the increasing index from agriculture that consider his principal economical recourse, because the lands from Itaguaí makes part of the big green's strap of Rio de Janeiro.
To reach to that conclusions, the author foreseeing the scarcity of bibliographical's dices, had feel to obliged to, make an exhaustive and delaying research's work in order to make possible from him to enter in the general study from physicist's aspects, stopping in observations about relief, hydrography from climate and vegetable's revestiment, following in her attention to the share relative on the human's occupation.
The author hadn’t forgotten to consider facts relationed with sanitary problem, with agricultural activities in several forms, with cattle and with transport indispensable element and predominating for solution of this essential point.
To finish, foresee good perspectives for the future economical development of Itaguaí, comprehending something more important, like augmentation of population, elargement of polites areas, the growth of index of activities and commercials and industrial interest and at last a ampliation of communication's manner.
The foreign element colonizator is represented by the presence of Japanese predominating in the commercials establishment, considerating like a first radical consequence of recoverement holded in plan.
The author ainm s Paulo as the place who has give much progress, seeing it like a revelation of possibilities that Itaguaí give today to the human work, like it was happen in the good phase of old farm Sta Cruz in XVII century wich Jesuits had developed impulsed and delivered to the modern element, which by unforseeing facts it had not support even considering that higher situation conquered with endeavor and tenacity of action from negro mixed with catechize indians under rude and elementary method, only used until then around sugar and coffee.