O Aspecto migratório da Região Sudeste : um estudo da situação socioeconômica da população migrante e natural segundo características de áreas


  • Márcia Coelho de Segadas Vianna
  • Vânia Speranza Monteiro
  • Aída Laura Ferreira de Freitas
  • Célia Diogo Alves da Costa


Brasil, Sudeste, Geografia da população, Demografia, Migração


The Southeast Region has been the locus of several studies in the field of internal migrations in Brazil. This interest lies in the fact that it is the region of the greatest migratory attraction in the country, as it has a very high socioeconomic level. Inherent to this fact, regional inequalities of development are pointed out, which are reflected in the structuring of its space, as well as in the composition and distribution of its population.

Broadly speaking, the space of the region is organized in accordance with the presence of two great national metropolises, Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, that constitute a dynamic pole and command an area of high economic growth. Opposed to that, there is a less dynamic space which is chiefly represented by the State of Espírito Santo and nearly the totality of the State of Minas Gerais.

The presence of such a differentiation concerning the level of development indicates the degree of complexity of the region, which by itself justifies the return to the study of the migrations in the Southeast.

The purpose o! this paper is to provide a diagnosis of the socioeconomic position of the migrant and native populations, by means of indicators such as the level of revenue and education, looking for possible advantages of one of these population groups and taking as variable of control the period of time in which the migrants have been living in their place of destination.

The studies undertaken up to now treat the matter at various aggregation levels, as Census Regions, Metropolitan Regions and even homogeneous microregions; however, this last named region is selected only for those microregions which presented in 1970 an expressive quantity of migrant people.

This paper also initiates a new approach, in which the spatial differentiation are valued. It is believed that both the intensity of the migrations and the position of the analyzed populations are closely related to the production structure of the area. Thus, it is supposed that significant differentiation are observed when the socioeconomic position of the migrant and native populations are compared - inter-structures and even intra-structures - according with the stage of development presented by the component microregions.

However, it should be noted that, as it was used a former information file over migrations, the comparisons of the migrant people with the native people may be affected by the absence of variables of control as those of sex and age.




