Fundamentos geográficos da mineração brasileira


  • Sylvio Fróes Abreu


Geografia Econômica;, Minas e Recursos Minerais;, Geomorfologia;


In the chapter entitled Geopolitical Considerations with reference to the Mineral Resources of Brazil, the author outlines guiding principles of political economy with regard to the country's mineral production. He condemns exaggerated nationalism which incorrectly declares that Brazil has everything, and which strives for self-sufficiency, avoiding foreign trade and foreign collaboration. He mentions the difficulties which beset mineral exploration in some places, such as insects lack of water and the great distance from consuming centers.           He studies the relation between geological structure and agricultural soils, and concludes that the proportion of rich Brazilian soils to Brazil's total area is not very great.

            He begins his analysis of the present situation and the future possibilities of Brazilian mineral production by discussing those minerals which can be used as fertilizers. Then he extends his analysis to all the minerals which are important for the Brazilian economy.




