Periferização urbana no Brasil : um projeto de estudo nas áreas metropolitanas


  • Jana Maria Cruz
  • Vera Maria d'Avila Cavalacanti Bezerra
  • Luís Cavancanti da Cunha Bahiana


Geografia Urbana, Regiões Metropolitanas, Urbanização, Geografia da População, Urban Geography, Metropolitan Regions, Urbanization



This project about urban peripheric growth may be considered as a later phase of Studies on urban spatial forms, which are being made by the Geography Department (DEGEO).

The results of the mentioned studies fully justify the sequence of this line of studies, added by the fact of the first data provided by the Brazilian Census of 1980. It is with this intent, that the Division of Urban Studies (DIURB) has carried out these studies, which actually privilege an aspect of the referred problem - the urban peripheric growth focused inside the picture of the metropolitan growth phenomena, which importance was already . shown by some 1970's Census data. Nevertheless, as if the numbers only were not enough, it ls to be considered the quality importance of the peripheric growth process, constituting such evaluation the other side of the analyses.

The work is divided In three sections: In the first one, an analysis is done focusing the demographic growth patterns of the nine Metropolitan Areas In the country, during the 1970/80 decade. Following, a review of research traditions on the subject; and finally, considering the observed patterns and the conceptual formulations, questions were raised aiming at a possible deepening of future specific studies.





