Aspectos geográficos do Sudeste do Espírito Santo


  • Antonio Teixeira Guerra


Paraná;, São Paulo;, Expedições Científicas;, Geografia Econômica.


At the present article the author tried to characterize the physical landscape and the economy from the littoral area from the Southeast of the Espírito Santo State, to which corresponds 6,9% from the supercities of all this political unity of the Federation.

            At the introduction, presents a whole sight from the landscape, now in focus, passing forward to the study of the southeast soils.

            Professor Teixeira Guerra, detaches the study of the structure from the crystalline rocks, belonging to the shield, the ones that were sedimentary and went to form the stairs (from the Pliocene) and the quaternary low-country shallows low-levels terraces and beaches of heavy minerals.

            From the geomorphological sense of vie, points out many proofs that fills up a coastal drowning with the appearance of terraces in scalonated levels, beyond fossil "falésias" and mouths of rivers.

            The author ends the physical part, studying the different types of soils, making a mutual relation with the tiller aptness from each one.

            At the second. part of this article, after giving a general introduction, starts to analyse the coffee farms and the following exhaustion from the soils, starting that way the invasion greater and greater from de pasture lands.

            Because of the· loose of the natural fertility from the soils, the coffee planters have been pushed to the raising cattle activity. Besides the same phenomenon checked out at the Paraíba do Sul Valley.

            Following, Teixeira Guerra, broaches considerations, appertain to the plain areas and the tillage done with rice, sugar cane and banana. At this item, a special remark is done to the greats sugar cane fields from the Palmeiras Plant, localized at the Itapemerim Corporation Town.

            This one, is the greater producer of sugar, alcohol and also brandy from Espírito Santo State.

            On account of the agriculture, professor Teixeira Guerra, makes a few commentaries on the following products: manioc, com and beans.

            Another part of this article is the mineral digging, where he studies with surpass the "monaziticas" sands, which exploitation in from great importance, because of the growing of the modern technology on the basis of the atomic energy.

            He ends the article with a study on fishing and the summer rest places at the southeast of Espírito Santo State.






