Problemas da erosão e do escoamento das águas na Cidade do Rio de Janeiro


  • Alberto Pires Amarante


Rio de Janeiro – RJ, Rio de Janeiro – Estado, Hidrologia, Inundações, Erosão


            According to the explanation of the author, the erosion and run-off phenomenon in the city of Rio de Janeiro are one of the most important problems that has worried the governments of the recent State of Guanabara.

            Analyzing the factors that has caused these phenomena the author refus amongst them chiefly the spreading of "favelas" (Slum) and the maping of the hills that surround the coast; he shows the effect of those phenomena in suburbs and streets, emphasizing the prejudice and danger caused by them.

            Values of precipitation in several years, presunted in comparative map were profitable to give an idea of the system of run-off and the capacity of underground galleries in order to get a formula to eliminate the spectacle of flood in Rio de Janeiro.

            In conclusion the author does a historical narrative of the problem and the proposed soluctions, beginning by Marshal SOARES ANDRÉIA in 1842 and Baron of MAUÁ in 1857, with the construction of a canal with 1320 meters in front of "gas factory". He makes reference to the strength of imperial and republican governments of "Sanitation Commission of the Capital of the Empire" oriented by the engineer JULES REVY and by "Sanitation Commission" of MANUEL VITORINO PEREIRA where cooperated important brazilian engineers as PAULO DE FRONTIN, TEIXEIRA SOARES and JOÃO FILIPE PEREIRA. He continues telling that is not possible to forget the recent strengths faced by technical and the men who have in their hands responsibility of giving on elucidation to this difficult urban problem that involves esthetic and public sanitary portions.

            Summarizing these studies the author tries to contribute for removing the trouble that cause suffering to the people of Rio de Janeiro.




