Aspectos geográficos da zona agrícola do Rio da Prata


  • Lúcia de Oliveira


Prata, Rio da - RJ, Campo Grande - Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Rio de Janeiro - RJ, Distrito Federal - Brasil, Economia agrícola, Geomorfologia, Geografia regional, Zonas agrícolas



            The paper we are presenting now offers a description of Rio da Prata which has araused great interest due to the diversity of its area and unknown characteristics

            To the east of the site called Pedra Branca, in the rural district of Campo Grande, one of the few agricultural areas of the "carioca" inland which possesses economic value, there is an extensive stretch of cultivated land which yields fruits, greens, oranges, sugar cane and coffee. Although an important urban center like Campo Grande and being connected to other places, the district of Rio da Prata does not has the advantages of a prosperous center. This ,paper represents a study of its general aspects and landscapes, which presents both mountains and plains


Natural Conditions

            In the Federal District there are two big contrasting areas: a mountainous and a plain one, without any transition between them. The Pedra Branca massif, as well as those of Tijuca and Jericinó, are the most important mountains of Federal District. The lowland zone is a continuation of the coastal plains where Rio da Prata stands. The mountainous area of Pedra Branca is formed by the Serra Rio da Prata, Morro dos Caboclos (700 meters), Serra do Viegas (300 mete1s) Lameirão, (486 meters), and Serra do Cabuçu (550 meters) at southeast-northeast

            The Cabuçu lowland pertains to the vast plain of Sepetiba. On the sheer slope it is impossible to start agricultural activities. The rivers which surrounded the Pedra Branca massif had its waters sometimes stagnated which was the reason for the spreading of maralia. The Departamento Nacional de Saneamento succeeded to overcome this fever, thirteen years ago. The lowlands with its agricultural activities is one of the principal centers of the whole region of Rio da Prata

            The crops in those lands are mainly tomatoes, oranges, and greens. In the Lameirãc Pequeno road, cultivation of sugar cane is much alike that of the orange cultivation, at present not successful. Another interesting aspect is the trade between the two zones: rural and urban, this owing to good roads connecting different places. The writer MAGALHÃES CORREIA in his book entitled "Sertão Carioca" has mentioned the cutting down of the luxurious vegetation, leaving bare the whole region. Its inhabitants who are in their majority portuguese are planting at the foot of the mountain, on the slopes, and on the top of the mountain, the crops mentioned above. Some small farms are leased by private firms and by the Methodist Church. The small fa1mers live there with their families

            The orange cultivation decreased in 1929; after this period it boomed in 1939; the· production then attained its highest. Lemon, cabbage, and bahmie are extensively cultivated. In Viegas and Lameirão, the vegetation is thickest and more luxurious and the cropping there is orange, banana and powpow. In the region there stand small farms, which are, leased to farmers the transportation is made by mules. There is a small local commercial center much frequented by the inhabitants of the zone





