Difusão da infraestrutura de armazenagem e suas vinculações com a atividade agrária no Noroeste do Rio Grande do Sul


  • Luiz Alberto Cerqueira do Nascimento
  • Olindina Vianna Mesquita
  • Rivaldo Pinto de Gusmão
  • Edna Oliveira Barreto


Rio Grande do Sul, Armazenamento de produtos agrícolas, Difusão de inovações, Geografia agrícola, Agricultura, Desenvolvimento rural


This paper constitutes a preliminary version of a study developed in the sphere of the Geography Department of the I.B.G.E. Its purpose is to give support to the activity of the Work Group on Innovation Diffusion, instituted in the Geography Commission of the Pan-American Institute of Geography and History, in 1973.

In this initial phase, the study of the problem lacks a more complete explanation about the mechanisms and conditions of the storage diffusion, and. its impact on the regional economy and development. However, it allows to establish a deeper understanding of the association mechanisms between internal and external characteristics of the agrarian organization, through the application of the innovation diffusion theory to a case study. This application is done by means of a direct research that is supported by a desk office, which is based almost exclusively on statistics data.

With this purpose, it was chosen the State of Rio Grande do Sul, with a view to its importance in terms of cultivated area, volume and value of the crops, expansion of the farming area in the last years, modernization of the farming and a great capacity of storehouses and silos.





