Evolução cultural e religiosa


  • Virgílio Corrêa Filho


Colonização;, Geografia da população;, Antropologia;, Geografia cultural


Cultural and religious evolution, as studied in the present article by Mr Virgillo Correia Filho, has started under the p1otection of the missionary churches, to which the first primary schools were a attached

            As if handing hand, ins1nuction accompanied the religious decline resulting from the pombaline hostility to the catechize1s

            Political problems of the first Kingdom, to which followed the upheavals of the Regency period, have retarded the re-establishment of an atmosphere propicious to the working influence of the spiritual forces For the expansion of these forces, however, the Republic would provide favorable conditions in a fashion diffe1ent from that prevailing before the separation of the Church from the State

            After 1889, lay teaching developed pa1allel to the religious education maintained by new Congregations, many of which replaced the old veteran institutions of the heroic stage in which the Jesuits distinguished themselves by a cooperation which made the the possession of the Amazonia and incorporated the natives to the civilized people

            The promising conditions of the region attracted many adventurers and the learned who impressed upon the two capitals peculiar patents of culture

            Both Manaus and Belem have been admirably improved in their handsomeness thanks to a profitable emulation which made possible their advancement

            The "Theatre da Paz", in Belem, and the "Amazonas Theatre", in Manaus, by their elegant architectural lines furnish concrete examples of lofty aspirations after culture. This is true also of the churches, among which more than one there exhibits artístical refinement Such material evidences of culture are, so to speak, matched by those o f a purely intellectual order arising from the literary and scientific institutions and chiefly from the press

            Both the "Museum Paraense", credited in the la1gest university centers with praise for its publications, and the "Botanical Museum of Manaus", in which the naturalist Barbosa Rodrigues was an outstanding figure, have become famous

            Rubbe1 deprecation at a later period would not fail to cause a disturbing fall from which the staple is now vigorously recovering to cape with the economical redemption and development of the Amazonia, thanks to the progressive activities of new collaborators





