Feições morfológicas e demográficas do litoral do Espírito Santo


  • Sylvio Fróes Abreu


In the present article the author describes some typical physiographical features of the coast in the State of Espírito Santo, according to his obsevation in several trips throughout the region, by land and air

            He points out the striking contrast between the forms both north of Vitoria and south of the same city, showing that to the south the Archean substractum is present near the surface, while to the norte it is entirely unknown He assumes that the plain of the northern Espirito Santo corresponds to a large area of mesozoic sedimentary soils such as the case is, farther north, in the States of Baia, Sergipe, Alagoas, Pernambuco and Paraiba, and, to the South, on the Patagonian coast He points out the especial from of the lagoons in the region surveyed, some elongated and markedly parallel to the shoreline, others radiating with branches in every direction, which result f10m the topography sculptured on the Formation of Baniers Emphasis is placed upon the presence of beds of monazite sands, directly related to the Barriers of the coast, as well as on the intensity of flood phenomena in lagoons and streams of the coastal lowlands, on the prevalence of saprophytic formations, and on the absence of indentations·along the shoreline

            In approaching the main demographic features, he shows that the northern coast is one of the most thinly populated zones of the Brazilian coast and that such a population sparcity is explained by the lack of natural attractiveness along that stretch of coast





