Fatores climáticos influenciando a agricultura em Campo Grande, MT


  • Mitiko Yanaga Une


Mato Grosso do Sul, Campo Grande - MS, Climatologia, Agricultura


The importance of the climate in the planning of the agricultural activities is broadly diffused and accepted. Among the climatological elements, it is the rain, according to its distribution along the year, that will determine and direct the composition of the agricultural production and calendar. The expectation with which the peasant. awaits the arrival of the rains and of the drought, in the appropriate period, has led the scholars to analyze the hydric effects and even to calculate and apply indexes, correlating them to the agricultural possibilities of a region.

Considering that lately the "cerrado" is becoming one of the biggest potentially agricultural areas in Brazil, it is necessary a greater number of analyses of its environmental offers, of the climate and of the soil, in order to have a better orientation toward the agricultural activities that are more adequate to its natural scenery. Since the climate is the element which escapes to the control of man, it requires analyses of the common situations and of the probabilities of repetition of these situations, as well as of its abnormal situations.

In order to elaborate the present work, we have assumed that it is possible to compare the field of climatology with the agricultural production, because this field is an integrate part of the environment and because its elements are rated quantitatively.

In Brazil, the researches which aim to establish the agricultural potentialities of a region, by means of the climatological information, already embrace various areas of the country that are enclosed by the climatological zonation like, for instance, Pernambuco (1966), Amazonas (1972), Centro Sul (1977), São Paulo (1973), Bahia (1974), Rio Grande do Sul (1975). Temporal analyses of climatological information in micro-scale have been made to different localities, such as: Juiz de Fora (1977), Presidente Prudente (1970) and Campos (1977), among others whose goal is to contribute to the local understanding of the climates, aiming at the agricultural advantage.





